Category: D2L (Page 2 of 5)

Introduction to Quality Matters

What is Quality Matters?

Quality Matters (QM), is an internationally recognized, standards-based program, which offers faculty quality assurance in online and hybrid course design with a focus on continuous improvement.

The Quality Matters program is rubric-based. The 43 standards are specific to higher education, backed by research, and are nationally recognized as a means to improve course design.

South Suburban College has a paid membership with Quality Matters.

Membership includes various resources, research and professional development opportunities.

How other Institutions Use Quality Matters?

Numerous national and local institutions use Quality Matters as a measure for quality courses. See Chicagoland institutions using Quality Matters.

Official course reviews can be completed in two ways:


  • For a fee, the institution pays Quality Matters to review each course independently.​
  • 3 certified QM peer reviewers from other institutions review each course with a turnaround time of 3-6 weeks per course.


  • The institution pays for QM peer review certified training for SSC faculty and/or staff.
  • These internal certified QM peer reviewers review courses for quality.

Course (and complete programs) that are Quality Matters certified are listed on the QM website. Institutions can promote these courses as well to demonstrate to their commitment to high quality courses.

How can we leverage SSC’s Quality Matters membership?

  • Create your Quality Matters faculty account. Visit Quality Matters.
  • Select Higher Education Tab.
  • Sign up for free training webinars or professional development sessions.
  • Self-enroll in the free, self-pace course “Elements of Quality Matters“.
  • Remember to send your certification of completion to:

Self-evaluate your own course using SSC’s quality course checklist.

Readspeaker for D2L Brightspace

Instantly create an audio version of courses, PDF, ebooks, web research, training materials, assignments, and more.

We have empowered students with text-to-speech accessibility technology for learning. Text to speech can help with understanding. Tools such as text-only mode, page masks, enlarged text, and select text provide support for diverse learning styles.

Readspeaker webReader and docReader enhance:

ReadSpeaker Player/Tool Highlight Sheet (PDF)

Not sure how to access Readspeaker webReader in D2L Brightspace?

Looking for text to speak support with PDF, Microsoft Word or Excel files inside of D2L Brightspace? Learn more about Readspeaker docReader.

2024SP Faculty Semester Guide

Updated: January 13, 2024

Got questions? This page is full of resources to the questions folks are asking most frequently about 2024SP. Don’t forget to check for additional resources at or email for additional assistance.

Things You Need to Know Before the Semester Begins

Setting Up Multi-Factor Authentication

Getting Stated with Office 365

D2L Subscription Training / Brightspace Community

TL Live Training Calendar

Best Practices for Basic D2L Content

Getting Started with Simple Syllabus

Getting Started with Simulcast/Dual Delivery and/or Lecture Capture

Getting Started with Bongo

Scheduling a Meeting and Launching Bongo

Getting Started with Turnitin

Cross-listed/Dual Delivery Courses in D2L (Hidding Courses)

Using Groups and Restrictions to Assign Quizzes or Other Activities

Getting Started with the Promethean Titanium ActivPanel

Getting Started with the Epson Brightlink Projector

Outcomes Assessment – Rubrics at SSC – General Education and Course Level

Getting Started with Respondus for Online Proctoring

Things You Need to Know About Grading

Entering Attendance Verification in D2L

Entering Active Pursuit and Midterms in D2L

Entering Final Grades in D2L

D2L Course Copy – Copy Previous Course Content to a New Term Course Shell

Great news! You do not need to recreate your course content every semester. It is easy to roll it over from a previous term.

  • In D2L, enter your current course.
  • Go to Course Tools (or More) →Course Admin →Import/Export/Copy Components.
Course Tools Course Admin
  • Choose “Copy Components from another Org Unit” and select “Search for offering”.
Course to Copy
  • Type in your course ID you want to copy “from” (for example: BIO) and Search.
Course Copy Search
  • From the search list choose the course you want to copy “from”, then select “Add Selected”
Copy Selected Course
  • At the bottom of the screen, you have two options: Copy All Components (entire course) or Select Component (perhaps you just want to copy a few quizzes).
Copy all or selected

  • If you choose Select Components, select what you’d like to copy then Continue.
  • Copy Select Components

  • Course content should then copy from a previous course to a new course shell.
  • D2L Course Copy – Share Content with Another Instructor

    There are times when instructors may want to share their course content with another instructor or create a backup of their course for future reference.  This is done by exporting your D2L course as a Brightspace course package (zip).  This package (zip) can then be shared with another instructor to import into their course or saved in a secure location as a course backup.  

    Step 1: Export your course as a Brightspace package

    • In your D2L course, go to the Course Tools > Course Admin.
    Course Tools > Course Admin
    • Select Import/Export/Copy Components.
    Course Admin > Import/Export/Copy Componets
    • Select Export as Brightspace Package > Start.
    Export Bright Space Package > Start
    • Select Components to Export > Continue.
    •	Select Components to Export > Continue
    • Important! – Under Additional Components to Export, select Include course files in the export package > Export.
    Additional Components to Export, select Include course files in the export package > Export.
    • The Export will start.  You’ll be notified on the Updates Alerts icon in D2L when the export is ready to download (orange dot indicates new notification).
    the Updates Alerts icon in D2L when the export is ready to download.
    • Select Export Finished in the Updates Alerts to download the Export Package (zip).
    •	Select Export Finished in the Updates Alerts to download the Export Package
    • Click to download the Export Package (zip).
    download the Export Package
    • Save zip file to a secure location.
    • Send this zip file to the instructor you are sharing your course with.
    • That instructor will now go to Step 2 for directions to import the zip file into their course.

    Step 2: Import the Zip file into a new D2L course

    • In your D2L course, go to the Course Tools > Course Admin.
    Course Tools > Course Admin
    • Select Import/Export/Copy Components.
    Course Admin > Import/Export/Copy Componets
    • Select Import Components from a course package > Start.
    Import Components from a course package > Start.
    • Under Import Course Package, select Upload then browse to the zip file shared with you.
    Upload then browse to the zip file
    • When the file upload is complete, select Import All Components.
    Import All Components
    • Based on the size of the course content being imported, this process may take a few minutes.  When complete, select View Content.
    View Content

    Once the course is imported, there are a few cleanup items you will need to check:

    • Syllabus:  Remove the old course syllabus and upload the new course syllabus.
    • Announcements: delete any old announcements that was in the previous course (Course Tools > Course Admin > Announcements).
    • Modules: Review the content within the weekly modules to determine if content is in the proper order and is visible to students.  Hide or delete any content you do not wish to use.
    • Assignments: Review and edit assignments.  Double check the scores of each assignment to make sure they match with your syllabus.  You can also change due dates individually or bulk edit to change due dates for all assignments.
    Bulk Edit
    Change Assignment Due Dates
    • Discussions and Quizzes:  Just like with assignments, edit dates, scores and review content within the discussion forums and quiz questions.
    • Grades: Select Grades > Manage Grades to determine if the gradebook is set up properly and matches with your new syllabus.
    • Dual Delivery Course?  If teaching a dual delivery course, set up your virtual classroom meeting dates in advance.  Select Virtual Classroom > Plus sign (lower right hand) to repeating virtual meeting dates.
    Virtual Classroom
    Create Virtual Classroom
    Virtual Classroom

    If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact the Teaching and Learning Center team by emailing:

    Bongo Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments (webinar recording and resources)

    Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments are two Bongo integrations directly accessed through your D2L course.

    Virtual Classroom is used to schedule meetings with your students, with the option of recording and automatically saving the recording in your D2L course so students can re-watch.  Virtual Classroom has similar features to Zoom, such as sharing screen, polling and breakout rooms.

    Video Assignments provide an additional resource to increase student engagement by allowing students to record class presentations remotely, answer text questions with a timed video answer, and/or answer questions that overlay upon an instructor’s pre-recorded mini-lecture or video. Video Assignments allow for grading with scores passed directly to your D2L gradebook.

    Below is an archived recording of this online webinar from the Teaching and Learning Center:

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