Category: D2L (Page 1 of 5)

Submit Grade Data to Ellucian Colleague Gradebook

Timely data submission allows students to understand their performance and make informed decisions about their academic progress. Missing data impacts things like academic standing, graduation, transfer plans, and financial aid eligibility. Delays in grade data submissions can create bottlenecks in these processes, impacting both the student and the college.

The due dates for each data submission are posted within D2L Brightspace, sent by email, and available from your department. It is crucial that each deadline is met. Additionally, the Illinois Community College Board will fine the college for late report submissions.

Remember we are here to help you with the process. Do not hesitate to contact the Teaching and Learning Center with questions at or call 708-225-5890 opt. 2.


Locate the COLLEAGUE GRADEBOOK link on the blue navigation bar within your D2L Brightspace course shell.



Please locate the appropriate tab for your data submission: 10th Day Attendance Verification, Active Pursuit, Midterm Grade, and Final Grade.

First Entry for the Term (Green Arrow Below)
10TH DAY ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION: Mark S (Satisfactory) or NS (Not Satisfactory). This is the first data submission of the term. 

NOTE: This is the only time during the semester you may mark a student as NEVER ATTENDED. Marking a student as NEVER ATTENDED later in the term has a negative impact on a student’s Financial Aid. There is a simple process to readmit a student if appropriate at a later date.

Second Entries for the Term (Gold Arrow and Red Circle Below)
ACTIVE PURSUIT & MIDTERM GRADE: This data is entered and submitted at the simultaneously. Mark S or for Active Pursuit. Credit Midterm grades are A-F. Non-credit are P or V.

Third Entries for the Term (Purple and Pink Arrows Below)
FINAL GRADES : Credit Final grades are A-F. Non-credit are P or V.

Enter a STOPPED ATTENDING date if a student stops attending.


Be sure to enter your submission data in field beneath the column that’s name matches the data you are submitting.


Be sure to enter data for each student on your class list. Be sure to check that all of your students are being displayed on your screen by adjusting the number of rows that appear at one time in the lower right-hand corner of the class list.


Select the “SUBMIT” button located at the bottom of the page to submit your data to Ellucian Colleague (our student management system).


Once your submission is complete, verify that there is a checkmark in the “SUBMITTED” column for each student.


If a student does not have a checkmark in the “SUBMITTED” column, a blue bar will appear after your submission indicating why the data was not transmitted. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please contact or call 708-225-5890 opt. 2 for assistance.

Be sure to verify that your data submission was successful before navigating away from this page or the current tab.

Still need help? Email or call 708-225-5890 opt. 2.

Join Bongo Virtual Classroom using an iPad or iPhone

Student’s may receive an error when trying to join their Bongo Virtual Classroom using an iPad or iPhone.  However, this can be rectified by following these four simple steps:

Step 1: Make Certain your iPad or iPhone’s operating system is up to date

  • On your iPad or iPhone open Settings App > General > Software Update

Step 2: Update your Safari Settings

  • On your iPad or iPhone open Settings App > Safari
Ipad Safari Settings
  • Make sure all of the following are toggled OFF:
    • Block All Cookies
    • Prevent cross-site tracking
ipad security settings for Safari

Step 3: Visit SSC D2L directly through your Browser (not the D2L Pulse app)

  • Visit:
  • Login and navigate to your D2L course

Step 4:  Find the Virtual Classroom in your D2L course

  • Within your D2L course menu (along the top) > select Virtual Classroom
  • This can also sometimes fall under More in the course navigation > Select Virtual Classroom
BrightSpace Pulse More Virtual Classroom
  • Under Action column of scheduled Virtual Classroom session > select Launch
D2L Launch Virtual Classroom
  • Select Join
Bongo Join
  • Select to allow Microphone
  • To turn on your webcam, select Camera and allow

Kahoot! for Assessment (SSC Online Workshop)

Watch Workshop Video (39:22)

Above is a recording of this SSC Online Workshop presented by math instructor, Jennifer Medlen.

Original Workshop description:

See how a math instructor at SSC easily aligned the online scoring of a Kahoot! quiz to the SSC Critical Thinking Rubric for general education assessment. Ideas will be discussed for creating a similar type of alignment with other College rubrics. 

Questions: please email

Emergency Flip to eLearning

Need to make an emergency flip to eLearning? If you know these three things, you will be off to a great start: Creating an Announcement, Using Bongo Virtual Classroom, and Adding a File to D2L Brightspace.

Email systems are down, please reach out by chat, or call 708-225-5825 option 2 with any questions.

Creating an Announcement in D2L Brightspace

Using Bongo Virtual Classroom

Adding a File to D2L Brightspace

How to Post An Announcement in D2L

Announcements posted in D2L courses are an effective way to communicate with your students. Students will receive the announcement in their D2L course, in their Alerts (bell next to their profile name) and if they have downloaded the D2L Pulse mobile app, they will receive a text-like message.

Posting an Announcement

  • Enter your D2L course
  • Scroll down to the Announcement Widget
  • In the drop down arrow, select New Announcement
D2L New Announcment
  • Complete the Headline and Content
  • Select a Start Date, add a file (optional) and select Publish
  • Your Announcement will now appear in your D2L course shell

Note: Announcements can also be found in a D2L course under More, Course Admin

  • Under Communication, select Announcements
  • Creating an Announcement through the Course Admin, allows instructors the extra feature of Pinning the Announcement to always appear at the top

Recording Daily Attendance in D2L

  • On the blue navigation bar, on the far right click on ‘more’ drop down menu and click on ‘ATTENDANCE’
  • Click New Register
  • Enter the Name of the attendance register and other optional properties as needed

NOTE: Students are able to see these attendance registers from your course in Brightspace from the Course Tools menu unless the visibility setting is unchecked.

  • Enter a session name: This example uses attendance for Class Meetings.

  • To add additional sessions to the register, click SAVE, enter the number of sessions to be added, and click ADD SESSIONS.

  • To return and add or remove sessions at a later time, click the drop-down icon to the right of the register and select EDIT REGISTER from the drop-down.


  • From ‘MORE’ on the navigation bar, Click Attendance:
  • Click the name of register.

  • Click the Calendar icon beside session to enter the attendance:

  • Click the Attendance Status drop-down to set each student’s status:
  • Alternatively, set the Attendance Status for students in bulk by selecting multiple students and clicking ‘SET STATUS’


What’s New in D2L?

D2L is a cloud-based learning management system that updates each month with new features and improvements.  This page summarizes these monthly improvements to keep instructors up-to-date and provide information to improve course content.

November, 2023


D2L implemented the ability to copy announcements to other courses.

Copy Announcements in D2L to other courses.

September, 2023

Synchronous Quiz

Instructors can facilitate quizzes where learners take their attempts simultaneously, which is convenient for in-class sessions.

When setting up the D2L Quiz, under Timing and Display, select Time Limits, then Synchronous.

Students will take their quizzes in-class, either in a computer lab or using their laptops. When students begin taking the quiz, they will all receive a pop up message telling them when the quiz will begin.

Synchronous Pop Up Quiz

Virtual Assistant Introduced

A contextual help tool is now integrated into D2L. Students and instructors can ask help questions anywhere in D2L.

D2L Virtual Assistant

August, 2023


When an instructor creates an announcement in their D2L course, that they want to stay at the top of their announcement list, there is now an option to “in it to the top”.

D2L announcement and pinning it to the top.

July, 2023


  • Students:
    • Students can elect to Hide the Timer when taking a quiz. This may reduce anxiety during quiz taking.
    • Warning are displayed at certain times to support awareness of time left.
      • 1 minute remaining on quiz.
      • 5 minutes remaining on quiz (only on quizzes with 10 minutes or longer time limit)
      • Half of the elapsed time (only on quizzes with 20 minutes or longer quiz time limit)
    • Submission View has been changed to Quiz Results Page. After students submits a quiz, they will see the Quiz Results Page.
The Quiz Results page shows learners the status of their quiz and their score.
The Quiz Results page shows learners the status of their quiz and their score.
  • Students can now see information about the quiz, while they are taking the quiz.
Quiz Information option on the quiz page to view instructions and other information. This does not leave the quiz.
Quiz Information option on the quiz page to view instructions and other information. This does not leave the quiz.

April, 2023


  • Discussions have been improved to look similar to Assignments and Quizzes.
Example of New Discussion Look and Feel
Example of New Discussion Look and Feel


  • Previously, when a student accidentally exited a quiz, there was not a dialog or warning.
  • Students are now shown a context-based confirmation dialog message.
  • Students now see one of the following:
The Exit Quiz confirmation dialog for quizzes with no time limit, no end date, or a time limit that expires before the end date.
The Exit Quiz confirmation dialog for quizzes with no time limit, no end date, or a time limit that expires before the end date.
The Exit Quiz confirmation dialog for quizzes with a time limit and no end date.
The Exit Quiz confirmation dialog for quizzes with a time limit and no end date.
The Exit Quiz confirmation dialog for quizzes with an end date, no time limit, or an end date that will arrive before the time limit expires.
The Exit Quiz confirmation dialog for quizzes with an end date, no time limit, or an end date that will arrive before the time limit expires.
The Exit Quiz confirmation dialog for quizzes that have an end date in the past.
The Exit Quiz confirmation dialog for quizzes that have an end date in the past.

February, 2023


  • Instructors can now add quiz availability dates to the Calendar tool in the Availability Dates & Conditions menu in the new quiz creation experience.
  • Instructors can select the Add availability dates to Calendar checkbox when creating a quiz to add quiz availability dates to their Calendar.
  • Previously, only the Due Date was automatically added to the D2L Calendar.
  • Instructor have more options now on how many questions are presented to students; all questions displayed together, 1 question per page, 5 questions per page, 10 questions per page, or add page break after each section of questions.

January, 2023

Equation Editor

  • The Equation Editor has been improved with better rendering features.
  • When creating assignments, discussions and quiz questions, within any textbox, instructors can insert equations.
Example of inserting an equation into D2L
Example of inserting an equation into D2L
Example of inserting an equation into D2L
Example of inserting an equation into D2L

December, 2022


  • Under Available Dates and Restrictions, Instructors can choose what students see of the assignment before submission using the visible with access restriction feature. See it in Action

November, 2022

Media Library Update

  • The new Media Library (assess is wheel icon next to profile name in D2L) now has a record video/audio option.
  • Videos uploaded to the Media Library or video/audio recorded by instructors can be used in multiple courses.
  • An example would be a welcome video recorded by an instructor and easily placed in various courses.

October, 2022

Pulse Mobile App

  • To help improve the flexibility of push notification, users will be able to choose which push notifications they receive. Previously, it was not possible to limit or control push notifications.

ReadSpeaker Text to Speech Technology

  • This option is now available in Discussions.

September, 2022


  • Instructors who teach multiple courses can now copy assignments to other courses. To copy assignments, select the down arrow next to the assignment name and select “Copy to Other Courses”.


  • “No Time Limit” is now a quiz timing option and has become the default time setting (previously default was 120 minutes). If a time limit is desired, instructors must manually select the desired time.

August, 2022

Display Personal Pronouns


  • When evaluating student assignments using D2L’s annotation feature, instructor can now use the new undo/redo button. Previously, the only way to remove the annotation was to use the eraser tool.

Media Library Updates

  • Early updates shown below provide information on the new streaming Media Library.
  • Under Insert Stuff, the Media Library is now an option. This allows instructors to upload video in multiple places in D2L.


  • Instructors now have the ability to restore a quiz they may have deleted in error.
  • Under Quizzes > More Actions > There is now a restore option.

May, 2022

Video/Audio and the New Media Library

  • Under the advanced editing option on any video uploaded to D2L, there is now an optimize for streaming button.
D2L Streaming Media

Pulse Mobile App

  • Brightspace Pulse users can now use @mention push notifications. Originally, @mentions came through the LMS but were only visible if the user opened Pulse and viewed their Subscriptions tab under Notifications. Now, the new functionality sends a push notification to the user when they are @mentioned.
  • Updates and subscriptions in the Pulse App are now aligned to show the same items as the Alert Bell in D2L.

April, 2022

Intelligent Agents

  • The Create Agent page has a new modernized user interface.
  • Subject line of intelligent agent emails now supports 128 characters.

March, 2022


  • Course announcements now have a copy feature.

New Media Library

  • A streaming media library is now available for D2L courses. New videos posted to a D2L course will be placed in this streaming media library. Videos previous uploaded to D2L will not be automatically transferred to this new media library, so instructors will have to manually transfer.

Workflow improvements for Media

  • When creating new video and audio, instructors no longer must wait for the uploaded media file to process. While the media file remains unavailable during processing, instructors can navigate away to work on other tasks. When processing is complete, instructor will be notified.

February, 2022

Content – Print and Download Buttons

  • The Print and Download buttons are now better positioned when viewing content within a module.
Print and Download
Print and Download

January, 2022

Video/Audio and New Media Library

What improved?

  • Table of Contents: Instructors can apply meaningful segments to larger videos.
  • Audio Generated Closed Caption: Instructors can select language, with the ability to edit.
  • Video Editing: Minor video editing is available – Seek, Mark and Cut.

How to implement?

  • Within a module in your course, select Upload/Create, then Video and Audio.
  • Video will take a few minutes to process after uploading.
  • Select Advance Settings after the video uploads to gain access to these new features.
  • See Full Directions (SSC uses Classic Content).

Submitted/Incomplete Quizzes in D2L

Here is how to check to see if students have completed and submitted a quiz.

  • Click on ‘GRADES’ in the Blue Navigation Bar
  • Find the quiz in the Grade book you are looking to check submission for
  • Click on the drop down arrow, select ‘Enter Grades’

Scroll down to the students name.  Under the Submission Column, select the question mark with red dot.

Under Attempt, select ‘Attempt 1’ and a new window will come up:

Where it says ‘Still in Progress’ is an indicator that the student has not yet completed or submitted the quiz. You can also click on the ‘Quizzes Event Log’ for more data. In this case, since the time to submit the quiz has passed, the student will not be able to finalize the submission process unless you provide special access to this student and change the availability date. You can also manually grade the quiz on this screen as well. 

Respondus New Feature

Taking on ChatGPT With a Quiz

Quizzes have always been used in College level courses to assess student knowledge of the course information. However, with the way courses are changing to a more online delivery, it has become a concern that students can use internet resources like ChatGPT, to write, answer, and turn in work that may not be original. Respondus Lockdown Browser can help with these concerns.

When a quiz or a prompt for an essay question is accessed from the Learning Management System, LockDown Browser can prevent students from using unauthorized resources.

Here are the simple steps:

1- Create the quiz in the LMS– in our case this would be D2L

EX: For a short essay, create a quiz and use the “ESSAY” question type.

2- From the Lockdown Browser dashboard in D2L {seen below}

Locate the quiz name and select “SETTINGS”

3- Then select “Require Lockdown Browser for this exam” and “Save + Close”

The assessment will now require students to use LockDown Browser.

When students access the quiz from the LMS, LockDown Browser will prevent them from switching applications, capturing screen content, or going elsewhere on the internet (unless the instructor allows it).

Turnitin users the link below may be of interest in helping with checking for AI writing detection capabilities:

AI_writing_FAQS_Apr23_US_G.pdf (

Audio Issue in Bongo Meeting

It has come to our attention that sometimes students in the virtual classroom Bongo meeting sessions cannot hear the audio when an instructor is sharing a video in the screen share feature. Examples of these videos being shared are YouTube videos, or possibly web sites with videos that deal with particular instruction from a course. Below is a picture of the box an instructor must check in order for the virtual students to hear the audio with the matching video, when screen sharing presentations.

EX: Screen Share page in Bongo Virtual Classroom

By checking this box, the instructor has now shared the corresponding Audio with Video being played in the Screen Share feature.

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