Quizzes have always been used in College level courses to assess student knowledge of the course information. However, with the way courses are changing to a more online delivery, it has become a concern that students can use internet resources like ChatGPT, to write, answer, and turn in work that may not be original. Respondus Lockdown Browser can help with these concerns.
When a quiz or a prompt for an essay question is accessed from the Learning Management System, LockDown Browser can prevent students from using unauthorized resources.
Here are the simple steps:
1- Create the quiz in the LMS– in our case this would be D2L
EX: For a short essay, create a quiz and use the “ESSAY” question type.
2- From the Lockdown Browser dashboard in D2L {seen below}
Locate the quiz name and select “SETTINGS”
3- Then select “Require Lockdown Browser for this exam” and “Save + Close”
The assessment will now require students to use LockDown Browser.
When students access the quiz from the LMS, LockDown Browser will prevent them from switching applications, capturing screen content, or going elsewhere on the internet (unless the instructor allows it).
Turnitin users the link below may be of interest in helping with checking for AI writing detection capabilities:
South Suburban College has an institutional license for Respondus Lockdown Browser. Students should never have to pay any fees associated with Respondus Lockdown Browser.
If using a MyPearson lab course, instructors will have to complete an additional step to avoid students paying a fee. It’s a one-time set up of connecting Respondus Lockdown Browser in D2L to their Pearson MyLab course.
Step 1: Enter your course in D2L
Select Quizzes > LockDown Browser
Select Continue
Under LockDown Browser Resources > Select Other Systems
Select the + icon next to Pearson MyLab
Copy the Pearson MyLab Code (code is unique for each instructor)
Step 2: Go to your Pearson MyLab course
Navigate to course settings > Learning Aids and Test Options
Under LockDown Browser and Proctoring > Check Use Automated Monitor in this course
Select Complete the Respondus Monitor Proctoring license Set up
A fully automated proctoring solution integrated with D2L that uses a student’s webcam to record and analyze student exam sessions.
Overview Video / What is Respondus?
Preparing an Exam for Use with Lockdown Browswer & Respondus Monitor
Join Kimberly Marks as she walks us through the process she uses to set up Respondus Monitor and LockDown Browser for her course assessments.
TLC Workshop – April 22, 2021 / Kim Marks shares her experience with Jamie Welling using Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor to proctor her exams online.
Respondus is not compatible with tablets (other then iPads), cell phones or Chromebooks. Our web analytics tell us that 50% of our students are accessing our web resources with one of these devices.
Students with screen readers and other web accessibility software will also more than likely have compatibility issues.
Students are required to have a webcam and compatible device for Respondus to work. Workstations have been set up in the computer lab (Fish Bowl) at the South Holland campus and in the Computer Lab at the Oak Forest campus for student use.