Our D2L Subscription training provides you unlimited access to on-demand and live D2L sessions. It allows convenient access anytime, anywhere.
How to Register
- Create a Brightspace Community account at https://community.d2l.com/brightspace. Be sure to use your SSC email address as a part of the account creation process. Please choose the password recovery option to reset the password.
- Check your inbox for an email from Brightspace Community and follow the directions to complete your account setup (check your spam or junk folder if you did not receive an email).
- Log into the Brightspace Community at https://community.brightspace.com/s/.
- Click on Subscription Training in the navigation bar.

Then click Subscription Training (for licensed clients)

- From the playlist drop-down in the upper right hand corner, select “Beginner Learning Environment for HE”. Click on the first module in the blue film strip (Introduction to Learning Environment) to begin.

Feel free to register for other advanced D2L courses after completing the Beginner course.