Introduction to Simple Syllabus (Online Webinar) 

We are excited to announce the implementation of Simple Syllabus with Brightspace D2L effective for the Spring 2024 term. This means all instructors will be using Simple Syllabus instead of uploading a Microsoft Word version of their syllabus to their D2L course shell.  What is Simple Syllabus: Using Simple Syllabus means your syllabus will instead […]

D2L Virtual Classroom and Video Assignments (Online Webinar) (.25 PGU)

Video Assignments provide an additional resource to increase student engagement by allowing students to record class presentations remotely, answer text questions with a timed video answer, and/or answer questions that overlay upon an instructor’s pre-recorded mini-lecture or video. Video Assignments allow for grading with scores passed directly to your D2L gradebook.  Join the Teaching and […]

Getting to Know the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (SSDO) (Virtual SSC Workshop)

Instructors, what do you do when a student provides you with an accommodation password from the Services for Students with Disabilities office? Join Davina Davis, Manager of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSDO), in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Center, as she walks you through the process. This virtual workshop will cover the following […]

Introduction to Simple Syllabus (Online Webinar) 

We are excited to announce the implementation of Simple Syllabus with Brightspace D2L effective for the Spring 2024 term. This means all instructors will be using Simple Syllabus instead of uploading a Microsoft Word version of their syllabus to their D2L course shell.  What is Simple Syllabus: Using Simple Syllabus means your syllabus will instead […]

Using Practice Quizzes to Prepare Students for Higher Stakes Assignments (Online Webinar)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we do a deep dive into D2L Quizzes.  If you are an instructor that does not use online quizzes, consider using practice quizzes.  Studies show practice quizzes improve students' preparation for higher stakes assignments.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  Zoom Registration for […]

DL2: Checklist Tool to Keep Students on Track (Online Webinar) (.25 PGU) 

Do you have a rather large project assignment in your course that includes numerous requirements?  Or do you have course activities that include discrete steps students must complete?  If so, join the Teaching and Learning Center as we showcase the use of the D2L Checklist tool that may help in keeping students on track with […]

Introduction to Simple Syllabus (Online Webinar) 

e are excited to announce the implementation of Simple Syllabus with Brightspace D2L effective for the Spring 2024 term. This means all instructors will be using Simple Syllabus instead of uploading a Microsoft Word version of their syllabus to their D2L course shell.  What is Simple Syllabus: Using Simple Syllabus means your syllabus will instead […]

Rubrics: Use Pre-Designed Rubrics created by SSC Outcomes Committee or Create Your Own.  View Customized Rubric Reports (Online Webinar) (.25 PGU) 

Rubrics in D2L are a great way to easily communicate assignment expectations to students for any type of course (traditional, hybrid or online).  Rubrics in D2L also saves faculty time evaluating and grading while providing quality and objective feedback on student assignments.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  Join the Teaching and Learning Center […]

D2L Basics Refresher (Online Webinar)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using D2L.  We’ll demonstrate D2L navigation, how to add and organize content into modules, how to create assignments, basic gradebook functionality, and ways to communicate with your students.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  Zoom Registration for this session 

Introduction to Simple Syllabus (Online Webinar)

We are excited to announce the implementation of Simple Syllabus with Brightspace D2L effective for the Spring 2024 term. This means all faculty will be using Simple Syllabus instead of uploading a Microsoft Word version of their syllabus to their D2L course shell.  Using Simple Syllabus means your syllabus will instead be in an electronic […]

Promethean ActivPanel Display Refresher (Hands-on Training in Room 3127) 

Some SSC classrooms are equipped with a Promethean ActivPanel as a display.    Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this hands-on training where we will demonstrate the technical aspects of using the Promethean ActivPanel in the classroom.    In this live training, we’ll cover:  Due to limited seating, please register by emailing:   You will receive […]