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Rubrics: Use Pre-Designed Rubrics created by SSC Outcomes Committee or Create Your Own (Online Webinar) (.25 PGU)

March 6 @ 4:00 pm 5:00 pm

Rubrics in D2L are a great way to easily communicate assignment expectations to students for any type of course (traditional, hybrid or online).  Rubrics in D2L also saves faculty time evaluating and grading while providing quality and objective feedback on student assignments.  

In this webinar, we’ll cover the following: 

  • Attaching a pre-designed SSC General Education Rubric created by SSC Outcomes Committee. 
  • Creating your own rubric from scratch and attaching it to an assignment. 
  • Using two different rubrics for one assignment. 
  • Using a rubric directly within gradebook column (for assignments from publisher or observing-type assignments, such as presentations or participation).  
  • Grading an assignment using a rubric and discover how students see their feedback. 
  • Rubric Data: demonstrate ways for instructors to view rubric reporting within a course and the latest customized data dashboard available to instructors which show case the institutional general rubric data collected from the Outcomes Committee.  Guage the overall rubric use, with the ability to sort by semester, department, and rubric criterion level.   

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using Rubrics in D2L. 

Unable to attend?  View recordings of this session at: https://tl.ssc.edu/rubrics-at-ssc-general-education-and-course-level/ 

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