January 6
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Each new term allows instructors an opportunity to update their D2L courses and be prepared for the start of the new term. Join the Teaching and Learning staff as we guide instructors through the beginning of the term checklist that will help you and your students get off to a good start.
In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:
- If teaching a course listed course, hide the D2L course shells you will not be using
- Verify your sections and class roster
- Import and copy course content from a previous course into your new course
- Rollover and update your Simple Syllabus
- Update course components (announcements, content, assignments)
- Verify the D2L gradebook is set up and reflects the current semester
- Bulk manage due dates on assignments, announcements and modules
- Check student view to determine if desired modules are visible or hidden
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