CARLI: Understanding and Promoting Open Education Resources (3 week – free synchronous online course)

The virtual program will contain both synchronous (3 live 90 minutes Zoom sessions) and asynchronous (readings, videos, etc.) to be completed before each live session. The live sessions will include some presentations, but the aim of the program planners is that these will incorporate a flipped classroom model to build community among participants as all […]

Reminder: Register for ION Courses Before Summer Break

We are continuing to offer the opportunity for instructors to take courses from the Illinois Online Network, a subsidiary of the University of Illinois. Courses begin June 2024 with a registration deadline of June 3, 2024     Step 1: Decide what course you plan to take.  For full course descriptions, visit   Step 2: Get Approval from SSC.  […]

Using D2L Gradebook for In-Person, Flex and Online Courses (Online Webinar) – Get Ready to Submit Final Grades (.25 PGU) 

If you are teaching a traditional in-person, flex or online course, students appreciate instructors using the D2L online Gradebook as it promotes:  Instructors have two options when using D2L online gradebook:  Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using the D2L Gradebook. During this online webinar, we’ll […]

Pearson: Digital Dilemma: Navigating the Complex Relationship Between Social Media and Youth Well-Being (Vendor Webinar)

In our changing digital world, social media offers both connectivity and risks for youth and their mental health. While social media can offer opportunities to connect with others and act as a medium for self-expression; significant concerns with cyberbullying, exposure to harmful content, and an increase in mental health issues have emerged. Through thoughtful planning […]

American Council on Education: The Future of Student Success (Vendor Webinar)

Higher education in the 2020s continues to undergo significant shifts that will shape its future for years to come. Rather than treating change as a threat, it can be viewed as an opportunity to build a stronger future for students, institutions, and communities. The future is not predetermined, and higher education leaders have the agency […]

Student-Driven Quality Matters Practices: Centering Student Advisors in Design Innovation (Vendor Webinar)

All too often, online course quality is determined by a course’s compliance with industry standards rather than consultation with actual students. In this presentation, we share a case study of student-driven quality assurance practices recently developed in a University Center for Assessment, Teaching, and Technology. Attendees will leave the session inspired to create their own […]

D2L: Let’s Explore Portfolio (Vendor Webinar)

Have you been curious about the Portfolio tool and how it could help you to achieve incredible things in Brightspace? Maybe, you've been using it and want to learn more about how to level up? Join us to learn all about the Portfolio tool! What to Expect❓ 🔨 Portfolio tool overview 🚌 Walk through of […]

D2L Basics Refresher (Online Webinar)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using D2L.  We’ll demonstrate D2L navigation, how to add and organize content into modules, how to create assignments, basic gradebook functionality, and ways to communicate with your students.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  Zoom Registration for this session 

Introduction to Simple Syllabus (Online Webinar)

We are excited to announce the implementation of Simple Syllabus with Brightspace D2L effective for the Spring 2024 term. This means all faculty will be using Simple Syllabus instead of uploading a Microsoft Word version of their syllabus to their D2L course shell.  Using Simple Syllabus means your syllabus will instead be in an electronic […]