D2L Basics Refresher (Online Webinar)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using D2L.  We’ll demonstrate D2L navigation, how to add and organize content into modules, how to create assignments, basic gradebook functionality, and ways to communicate with your students.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  To Register, visit:  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEtcu2tqTIvHNBqFYzp23-_GAL6EmQmFxAv

DL2: Checklist Tool to Keep Students on Track (Online Webinar) (.25 PGU) 

Do you have a rather large project assignment in your course that includes numerous requirements?  Or do you have course activities that include discrete steps students must complete?  If so, join the Teaching and Learning Center as we showcase the use of the D2L Checklist tool that may help in keeping students on track with […]

D2L: Using Practice Quizzes to Prepare Students for Higher Stakes Assignments (Online webinar) (.25 PGU)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we do a deep dive into D2L Quizzes.  If you are an instructor that does not use online quizzes, consider using practice quizzes.  Studies show practice quizzes improve students' preparation for higher stakes assignments.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  To register, visit: […]

Prepare for SSC Attendance Submission – Attend D2L Gradebook and Assignments (Online Webinar) (.25 PGU)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using the D2L Gradebook.  We’ll demonstrate creating grade items and categories, along with the features in the “Manage Grades” tool. We'll finish up with showing best practices of sending grades to the Student Information System.  In this webinar, we’ll cover […]

D2L Basics Refresher (Online Webinar)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using D2L.  We’ll demonstrate D2L navigation, how to add and organize content into modules, how to create assignments, basic gradebook functionality, and ways to communicate with your students.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  To register, visit: Zoom Registration […]

Promethean ActivPanel Display Refresher (Hands-on Training room 3127) 

Some SSC classrooms are equipped with a Promethean ActivPanel as a display.    Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this hands-on training where we will demonstrate the technical aspects of using the Promethean ActivPanel in the classroom.    In this live training, we’ll cover:  Due to limited seating, please register by emailing:  ssconline@ssc.edu.   You will receive […]

Flex Course Delivery Training (Hands-on Training in Room 3127) 

Many courses at SSC are considered flex delivery courses.  Flex delivery refers to students choosing to attend a course in-person in a physical classroom or virtually using the virtual classroom option in D2L.  It’s their choice and they can switch up which way they want to attend each week.    However, instructors are always in the […]

D2L Gradebook and Assignments (Online Webinar) (.25 PGU) 

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using the D2L Gradebook.  We’ll demonstrate creating grade items and categories, along with the features in the “Manage Grades” tool. We'll finish up with showing best practices of sending grades to the Student Information System.  In this webinar, we’ll cover […]

D2L Basics Refresher (Online Webinar)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using D2L.  We’ll demonstrate D2L navigation, how to add and organize content into modules, how to create assignments, basic gradebook functionality, and ways to communicate with your students.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  Zoom Registration for this Session

Adjunct Faculty Saturday Professional Development – D2L Basics Refresher (Online Webinar)

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this online webinar as we get instructors started using D2L.  We’ll demonstrate D2L navigation, how to add and organize content into modules, how to create assignments, basic gradebook functionality, and ways to communicate with your students.   In this webinar, we’ll cover the following:  Zoom Registration for this Session

Promethean ActivPanel Display Refresher (Room 3127) 

Some SSC classrooms are equipped with a Promethean ActivPanel as a display.    Join the Teaching and Learning Center for this hands-on training where we will demonstrate the technical aspects of using the Promethean ActivPanel in the classroom.    In this live training, we’ll cover:  Due to limited seating, please register by emailing:  ssconline@ssc.edu.   You will receive […]

Flex Course Delivery Training (Hands-on Training in Room 3127) 

Many courses at SSC are considered flex delivery courses.  Flex delivery refers to students choosing to attend a course in-person in a physical classroom or virtually using the virtual classroom option in D2L.  It’s their choice and they can switch up which way they want to attend each week.    However, instructors are always in the […]